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wood pellet production machine

Would you like to learn how to turn waste wood into fuel? It’s pretty cool! There is a special machine used for this purpose, it is known as жыгач кесек машина. They take wood that would otherwise be scrap and make something useful out of it. Let’s find out more about this process and why it matters!

Wood pellet machines use waste wood and convert it into small pieces in the shape of pellets. The wood is chopped into small chips first. (This allows for easier processing of the wood.) Once this wood is cut into chips, it must be dried out, to remove its moisture. This step is important as too much moisture can make it difficult to produce high-quality pellets.

The wood pellet production process

After the wood chips are dried, they are placed into the wood pellet machine. Here is where the magic takes place! The machine presses the chips extremely tight and that pressure generates heat. As the heat is generated, it assists the wood's natural properties to stick together and create pellets. A key step, since this makes the pellets strong and ready to go. Finally, the pellets are cooled and sized. This is to make sure they are all the same and prepared for burning.

Shanghai Yuanyuda wood pellet machine has special features to produce more pellets in a very less time. In one of these features is the automatic adjustable feeding system that can be adjusted quickly for different kind of woods. This is very beneficial since it guarantees the pellets are always high quality regardless of the wood type.

Why choose Shanghai Yuanyuda wood pellet production machine?

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