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Каршы муздаткыч Кыргызстан

This flavor preservation can only be achieved through cooling. This гранул муздаткыч is where the counterflow cooler, such as the ones manufactured by Shanghai Yuanyuda, comes to rescue, and this is how. 

We use a patented cooling method known as counterflow technology, which is the most effective cooling system for snack foods. It ensures that the cold air blows in the opposite direction to the hot snacks. Think about a cookie straight from the oven. It blows cold air at it through a counterflow cooler on the other side. This allows the snacks to receive the coldest air first which allows them to cool more evenly. During the cooling process of the snacks, they will become slightly warmer, but by no means to much. 

Maximizing Product Quality with Counterflow Cooling

Did you know that the way in which snacks are dried can really impact the quality of the snacks and their shelf life? If they are not allowed to cool properly, snacks can become stale quickly or spoil, negating their deliciousness and leaving customers dissatisfied. No one wants to purchase snacks that taste terrible or become stale too quickly! 

Булардын максаты SKLB сериясындагы маятник муздаткыч, counterflow coolers is to maintain snacks at the proper temperature as they cool. And this Shanghai Yuanyuda meticulous cooling helps to preserve them just to the taste, texture, and appearance that we like them. Keeping snacks fresh longer also means less wasted food for the businesses, meaning the customers will be more satisfied with the products they purchase. 

Why choose Shanghai Yuanyuda Counterflow cooler?

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